
无聊自虐… 小hunt放假在折腾dr.com…不跟我玩… 无聊死决定捣鼓下awesome-git。 其实以前也试过,只是当时没时间认真看配置,就抛弃了。 这次比较成功哈哈。 git下来后,用上自带的zenburn theme,然后开始改rc.lua,主要是参照anrxc的 rc.lua ,还用了好方便的 obvious widgets ,现在感觉有用的widget只有volume control 和 battery了。在默认的rc.lua的基础上,要customize的如下:

  • tags & layouts
  • widgets(obvious)
  • keybindings for certain applications
  • app rules(auto-tagging/floating/…)
  • autostart
  • remove gaps at the bottom

My new rc.lua is 200 lines shorter than the old one, primarily because obvious is such a foolproof widget library, u just require the widget and add it to ur wibox; and secondly app rules provide a table to specify settings for each app, saving lots of lines.


my rc.lua (sorry don’t know how to git)