PacketiX.NET Vpn Client Installation & Configuration on Linux


为啥突然想起来捣鼓vpn呢?想起来的确很无聊,只是为了用上twitterfeed post to facebook的功能…之前用gapp/your-freedom/opera mini都没成功,极度不爽,翻过强了竟然还有不能做的事?! 不死心,决定试下vpn。

以前用过hotspot shield,挺好。可是我在学校用不了校园网的时候,白痴地把机器抱去网络中心,光头老师发现了我的虚拟网卡,卸掉了hotspot shield…我后悔去了。在学校,上网有问题,一定不能找网络中心的人。

so I googled and found this japenese vpn . one of the important feature of PacketiX.NET vpn is that it supports ssl, and it doesn’t require registration.

在win7下安装顺利+使用顺利+网速比之前用过的翻墙工具快+成功设置了twitterfeed… 因此想试试在linux下配置。

so I googled again and found this recent post from which I stoled the title, sorry about that. 官方manual 也有说到如何在linux下安装,可配置没讲清楚(我没看明白)…


  • when using ur default connection, mark down/memorize ur dns server(cat /etc/resolv.conf)
  • head to official website (not blocked) to download the linux package and an exported connection setting file (secure.vpn)
  • tar the package, cd to the directory and mv secure.vpn here
  • su and make (if failed, check dependencies)
  • ./vpnclient start
  • ./vpncmd, choose 2.Management of VPN client, when prompted “Input destination”, enter localhost. now ur connected to VPN client
  • (updated) KeepSet / /PROTOCOL:tcp /INTERVAL:50 then KeepEnable /*actually after I wrote this little post I tested again according to the procedure I laid out here and BANG! the connection broke down. I was frustrated after many failed attempts. when I looked into the log fies and compared them with those generated in win, I learned that the essential element of successful connection is the Keep-Alive function which is not enabled by default in linux version. we have to manually enable keepalive using configuration here to guarantee a continuous connection to the vpnserver*/
  • AccountImport secure.vpn, then AccountList to confirm
  • AccountConnect secure, AccountList to confirm connection
  • open another terminal, su and ifconfig to confirm vpn_vpn(or something like it) is there
  • dhclient vpn_vpn to get ip, ifconfig vpn_vpn to confirm
  • cat /etc/resolv.conf to see change of dns, u may wan to cat /proc/net/route
  • now u can surf freely

to disconnect:

  • in Management of VPN Client mode,  AccountDisconnect secure
  • quit Management of VPN Client mode, ./vpnclient stop
  • modify /etc/resolv.conf as superuser to change dns back to the original(u marked down/memorized)
  • ifconfig and cat to re-check everything, then ur done

official manual provides a script to set vpnclient as daemon but I don’t think that’s necessary for me. I do everything in the directory vpnclient as superuser. the steps above may still be unclear though I tried my best, u see that I’m just a linux newbie…