Base64 Encrypted Pac File on Opera

as an enthusiast of the sport climbing over the wall as well as an opera fans, it puzzled me greatly when i found out opera on linux cannot use the latest autoproxy.pac from the familiar autoproxy2pac . i tried to open with vim and compare the old and new pac files, found out that the old one was clearly structured, recognizable while the new one was a bunch of weird code. i had absolutely no idea what the new one was about.

so for a long time, i stuck with the old pac file and of course that wasn’t convenient at all cuz the gfw team kept working so should the pac file be updating.

lately when i was trying to modify the old pac file, i googled and found this post. yep, now the problem is quite clear! the new pac file is base64 encrypted! so to get the new pac file working on opera for linux,

vim autoproxy.pac

delete everything before and including




at the end of the pac file. then :wq(save and exit). in terminal,

base64 -d autoproxy.pac > autoproxy_new.pac

then opera for linux can read autoproxy_new.pac :)

*opera for win can read the new pac file without any problem. opera for win also cannot read encrypted pac file.